Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. Teaching sure keeps me busy!! YEA!!!!!!! I'm now on October Break!! Ahhhhhh.......sweet relaxation.......NOT!! I have a lot of things to do while I'm off for a week. Craziness I tell you! You should see my "To Do List". Well, today Jake and I actually woke up, without alarm, around 5:30am, ugggg, and that's actually sleeping in a little. We picked weeds, trimmed the tree in the front (where I happened to be standing on a mass of crazy minded ants and by the time I knew I was standing on them, they had already covered my foot and were biting me many times, OUCH!!!!! itchy, itchy) and finally cleaned/vacuumed out the car before the first session of conference started. Then we drove into town after the 1st session to borrow my dad's rotortiller so we could get our winter garden ready. We should have watered the area a few days before tilling it because it was hard and sure dusty...the wind didn't help either. Unfortunately, the rotortiller didn't want to cooperate, so we rested the remainder of the day. Here's some pictures of my hard-working honey. What a hunk!!
This is pretty easy!

Whoa there Bessie!
When Jake was finished for the day, he had dirt plastered to his front teeth. It was pretty funny. I should have gotten a picture, but then I doubt he would have let me. hehe Oh well.