Monday, January 7, 2008

New Church Calling

I was a little scared when one of our counselors called and asked to come talk to Jake and I. I just knew it was going to be a new calling. I was actually a little sad to be released as a Relief Society teacher. I was nervous about that calling but grew to love it. I was a teacher for almost a year. And now......I'm back in Primary, but not teaching kids thank goodness (I spend enough time teaching children). I'm now in the Primary Presidency as the Secretary. I'm excited to try something new, but still a little sad to be leaving Relief Society. I was scared it was going to be a Nursery worker again, Heavenly Father knew I wasn't ready for that again.


Jamie W. said...

Good for you. I just got put back in primary too.

elliotts said...

Good for you!!!!!!!!!! I love Primary. It is a whole different world.You will love it though. It helps you learn all the kids names. Good-luck. Love ya

The Earls said...

Cool! It seems we always get somewhat similar callings. Gotta love the kids!