While Jake went out dirtbike riding, I took my mom on the hike Jake and I went on last week. She was a good sport and my protector. This is my last hike until winter. You ask why. For one, it's getting too hot......duh, Arizona. Two, while my mom and I were hiking we had a lovely (more like scare the pants off me) snake cross in front of us on our path. I screamed like a pansy and jumped behind my mom who was originally behind me. The snake was moving across the path and into the bushes. It was a dark brickish red. After we finally passed that area, my mom proceeds to bend over to look at a pretty flower. I said, "Are you kidding me.....no more stopping to look at things. We're outta here!!"

Here's mom before the hike
Beautiful cactus flower

We'll be making our way to that pointy mountain to the right

Pretty berries, they look like a type of tomato

Mom after the hike, she looks tired