Zoe helping me stir the chocolate chip cookie dough
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New Mexico
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
No Salmonella on these babies
MMMMMmmmmmm!!! Yummmmmmyyyyyy!!! Yup, these puppies are from our garden. I'm glad I won't have to worry about salmonella this year. I picked all of these just today. We have another two bags with about the same amount in each in the fridge. I'm gonna have to can them for food storage or something. Our tomatoes just took off this year and are still running. Last year....not so good. Our zuchinni is awful this year but last year was awesome. I guess they decided to switch this year. Hmmm....what will happen next year???
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy Anniversary!!
We have been married for 9 glorious years!! My....how time flies when you're having fun. I can't imagine my life without Jake. I consider him my best friend! I love you honey.
Married in the Mesa, Arizona temple June 19, 1999
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Jake and Krista relaxing on the sofas
Krista, Brianna and Deandra playing with a new birthday toy that Brianna got
The 4 Potterf girls
We went to a sort of petting zoo with ocean life
Brianna holding a starfish
Ashley Levine and Deandra looking at a sea turtle
A huge Sea Lion in a small tank
Jake next to some whale bones
One early evening we saw something not moving out in the water right in front of our beach and not far from the shore. It looked like a dolphin at first and then we thought it may be a sea turtle upside down. The guys went out to investigate. Jake even went out fully clothed in the ocean chest deep to get a closer look. It turned out to be a sea lion sunbathing. It stayed in one place for the longest time. We weren't sure if it was sick and would die and wash up on the beach, but we never saw it again. Weird but cool.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Here we are in the plane
This warning is on the chute, "I want to get off!!!"
My instructor, Tom, is behind me reminding me what I need to do
Oh Boy!! This is it, I'm first (Jake thought I'd chicken out if I went 2nd)
Jake watching Tom & me jump out
Can you hear me scream? (Hey, is he trying to nibble my ear?)
This is called the free fall. It only lasts about 45 seconds, I couldn't even hear myself scream. We fall at about 125 mph, but it doesn't even feel like your falling.
Great shot of the airplane we jumped from
Nice view, hey look, there's my parachute
Awwww, we had a nice soft landing, thank goodness, Yea!!! I lived!!!!
I felt like doing this as we were coming down to land, he was twirling back and forth which didn't make my tummy feel too good, but I got over it without puking
Jake's turn, he actually went a little after I jumped
Look at how the wind wiggles our faces
Jake's free fall with Geoff, his instructor
Don't you just love those funny faces
Aww, back to normal now that he pulled the parachute
Hello, we made it everybody!!!
Geoff let me come take pictures of the plane with my camera, I was sitting in the pilot's seat
Well....we had lots of fun!!! Will we do it again??? Maybe. If it wasn't so expensive, I would do it again in a heartbeat. For our first time and taking the two videos, it set us back about $515.00 total. He said that we could come back at a discount, only $150 a person and we could pull the chute thing ourselves and maybe steer a little too. We'll have to think about it. For now...I need to catch my breath.