Saturday, September 22, 2007


Yuck!!! We found some termite tunnels on the outside of our house so we wanted to check and see if they did anything on the other side which is our garage. I decided to make this day an "organizing/cleaning/go through the boxes/get rid of anything we don't really need in the garage" day. I did pretty good. I actually got rid of maybe 10 boxes and some of the things inside it. I was feeling pretty good, but then when I pulled a row of boxes away from the wall I saw more termite tunnels. The funny thing (well, not funny but weird) is that they only made the tunnels on the lower concrete part of the wall. They didn't even go up to the wood baseboard or the drywall part. I never saw any of the holes either that they usually make. The other weird thing is that we had a picture in a frame behind the boxes as well and the little buggers made tracks on the picture and actually ate holes through the cardboard back. They give me the creeps!! So now we have to call the termite guy again. Thank goodness we're under warranty for like 5 years. Here's some pics of their tunnels in our garage.


Jamie W. said...

Yuck I don't like termites either. We had them at our house out in QC too. Thank goodness for our warranty and after they came out and fixed the problem we didn't have a problem again. The guy actually picked one up to show me a close up of what they look like and ewww it was gross. Hope they go away for ya.