Me in front of the parking area and Peralta sign
After 3 miles, we came to this sign and decided to turn back and complete our 6 mile hike, piece of cake
Me in front of the parking area and Peralta sign
After 3 miles, we came to this sign and decided to turn back and complete our 6 mile hike, piece of cake
Jake and I decided to go out and do a real hike instead a hill in our backyard. We went out by Gold Canyon to a place called Peralta Canyon Trail. There are different hikes to go on out their, but we wanted to do the Peralta one which takes you up to what they call "Fremont Saddle". It over looks Weaver's Needle. We did it once before together many many years ago. I about died then and even wanted to quit before getting to the saddle. Not this time. Since I've been exercising a lot and losing weight, this hike didn't kill me as much. I didn't even want to quit this time. It's about 2 and 1/4 miles one way. There's A LOT of uphill, just about kill you hills. We had to take several water/breathing breaks. I love our camel-packs. It kept our hands free and we could drink without stopping too. This trail had quite a few hikers on it with us. It took us 2 hours to get up there and 1 hour to get down. I LOVE DOWNHILL THE BEST!!! We never took any breaks going down. Here are some beautiful pics we took. I don't care for desert scenery, but I have to admit that this was awesome to look at.
Aren't these rocks just the coolest, they look like puzzle pieces
I like this hiking thing. We'll have to go out again before it's too hot!!!
Well, this week is my Spring Break. Unfortunately, I only get one week. Friday I had to come home from work/school half day because I was having throw-up burps and my stomach was killing me. I felt bad for leaving because it was Field Day and the last day before Spring Break. Oh well. I'm glad I went home when I did because shortly thereafter I was practically living in the bathroom. I wasn't starting my break out very well. Monday night I had several girlfriends over after family home evening for a "Girls Night". We had fun chatting and playing games. Last night, Wednesday, I went over to a friends house and played BUNCO with a group of ladies. I've played only once before. It's a lot of fun. I actually won a prize in the end. break seems to be getting better.....the only bad thing is.....IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!
Jake and I go walking just about everyday and this is one part of it. We decided to take a little detour and go hike up one of those mountains ahead. It's nice to have them so close, practically our backyard.
Wow, what a view from the top, hmm which house is ours?
Nice and green, until summer hits
Here's the view on the other side of the mountain
Maybe we'll try that mountain next, NOT
Jake and I were out walking one day when we saw this beautiful sunset. I was in my backyard when I took these pictures and it was starting to get darker.