Here's Jake's:
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
"You are intelligent, strong willed and patient. A peaceful lifestyle and helping others is very important to you. You’re not a take charge kind of guy and sometimes rely too much on your feelings when you make decisions, but you always mean well and try your best to do what’s right"
Friday, October 31, 2008
Here's mine, who knew that Jake and I were made for eachother, even movie characters:
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
"You are thoughtful and care very deeply for your family. A loving home is of great
importance to you and you always try to make people feel welcome. Although you have a great capacity to love, you also have a great capacity to hurt, so at times you can be
sensitive. You're firm when you need to be, but people trust your judgment and
appreciate the kind way you always handle things. "
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Meet Greenie
Jake and I decided to sell sticky, buy a "newer" older truck, and then sell blackie. While we were camping, there was a truck that Jake was really interested in but the bidding was up on Saturday. So we came home, Jake bid on it and won. It was at a buy it now price of $6800. The bid was up to about $4550 and the reserve was not met yet. The seller said that the reserve was at about $6400. Well, Jake, the master ebayer that he is, decided to bid $6800 and hope for the best. He won the bid at $4650. Can you believe that? The seller said that he was messing around with the reserve when Jake did the final bidding and won. His loss, our gain!! It's a 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel (of course) extra cab and a long bed. I wish it was a 4x4. It got a new paint job too. No scratches or dents. It's really nice. It even has a 5th wheel hitch and a regular hitch. We're not sure if we're going to convert it to grease or not. We may give up on that right now. We'll see.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
October Break
There was a little creek right behind our campsite
I'm roasting our hotdogs while Jake takes a pic of the oh so dressed up me
There was a bunch of wild berries which looked like the color of raspberries, but the shape of blackberries, and tasted VERY sour. I think the season is over.
We just HAD to drive into Young (20 miles away) so Jake could get cell service to check an EBAY auction, UGH!!!!! We'll show you what we bought in a later post, we even came home a day early, Saturday, so he could bid on it and buy it. Boys and their electronics!!! I'll have to hide everything when we go camping next time.
Can you see the deer?? We were driving to Young when we saw them.
On our way back, Jake spotted this little guy in the road. Had to get out and take a pic of course. He almost got run over by the UPS guy.
We've alway wanted to pick pine nuts but were never sure when the right season was. We saw some and they looked and tasted ripe to us, so we picked and picked. Gooey, gooey, sticky, sticky. Good thing I had some garden gloves in the truck. Yum Yum. We're going back up here next weekend with Jake's brother to pick some more.
Can you see the pine nuts inside the cone??
We then went to a place where there was a waterfall.
Beautiful scenery and rock formations
The weather was GREAT, a little cold at night and early morning, but that's what campfires and snuggling in the sleeping bag is for. We can't wait to go again before it's too cold and snowy. We're thinking Halloween weekend. If any of you want to go with us, let us know, we'd love company!! If not, too bad for you, we'll still have fun. You don't need all that candy anyway. hehe
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad
Today was my dad's 59th birthday. I have this whole week off for October break, so I got to spend the day over at my parent's house. My mom and I made Christmas cards and then we celebrated my dad's birthday that evening.
Jake and I got him a Christmas ornament that has the deet holding a rifle and the hunter is all tied up. The plaque says Gone Hunting.
So long.....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Cooler weather??
Yipppeeeee!!!! Yesterday was so nice weather wise. It was quite windy but oh soooo cool. I actually was able to open up all my window in my house and have a nice cool breeze throughout. We even slept with the windows open and a box fan in it. We even got to use our comforter last night!!! Can you believe that??? I checked the thermostat and it said 69 degrees in the house. Wahoooo!!! I hope it stays, but it will probably get hot again before the winter :( That's Arizona for you.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
Jake and I cleaned out the old bark and the puny plants that grew here. We put in a water sprayer and we planted Sweet Peas of different sizes and colors. My Grandma Eunice plants these every year and when I talked to her the other week she mentioned that she was planting them, so I decided to give them a try. Hers always turns out so nice and smells great. We'll see!!!
We did the last of our fruit, Pears!!
While Jake rototilled the flower bed, I was out front trimming the bushes. Then we picked the last of the weeds in the backyard. It was a busy weekend let me tell you, but very productive!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Yummy and Healthy
I got this recipe from a gal from my Bunco group. It's DELICIOUS and healthy (minus the chips). It also makes a ton. Jake and I both took some to work to share.
Black Bean Salsa
Put these items in a food processor:
2 bunches cilantro
1 large purple onion
4-5 roma tomatoes
3 long green chilis (anahiem)
Then add these to the bowl and mix:
fresh minced garlic
2 cans black beans- drained
2 cans white corn- drained
Juice of 4 limes
Just before serving, put juice of 2 more limes in bowl with 3 avacadoes diced up and add them to the salsa. No salt and pepper.
Enjoy!!!! And don't forget to invite me over to eat with you!!