Sunday, October 19, 2008

October Break

What have I been doing during my October Break?? Well.....I spent Monday and Tuesday over at my parents house. Monday was my dad's birthday and Tuesday I had a doctor's appt. and we had to take the Jetta in to get the timing belt and some glow plugs replaced so my mom and I decided to make Christmas cards. We like to do the stamping thing. Wednesday I spent grocery shopping and packing up to go camping for the weekend with just my honey and me. Thursday we started the day off by going to the temple and then came home, packed up the truck and took off camping for the weekend. We went to a new place that a friend (thanks Jamie) recommended. It was only two hours from our house and sooooo nice. It was even free and it had an outhouse. Wahoooo!! It is called Rose Creek and it's sort of near Young. Anyway, here's some fun picks of our trip.
Jake getting the lantern ready

MMMmm, love those campfires

There was a little creek right behind our campsite

I'm roasting our hotdogs while Jake takes a pic of the oh so dressed up me

Friday morning Jake and I took a little walk around our area

There was a bunch of wild berries which looked like the color of raspberries, but the shape of blackberries, and tasted VERY sour. I think the season is over.

We just HAD to drive into Young (20 miles away) so Jake could get cell service to check an EBAY auction, UGH!!!!! We'll show you what we bought in a later post, we even came home a day early, Saturday, so he could bid on it and buy it. Boys and their electronics!!! I'll have to hide everything when we go camping next time.

Can you see the deer?? We were driving to Young when we saw them.

On our way back, Jake spotted this little guy in the road. Had to get out and take a pic of course. He almost got run over by the UPS guy.

These crazy guys "herd" us coming and "moo-ved" over so we could drive by.

We've alway wanted to pick pine nuts but were never sure when the right season was. We saw some and they looked and tasted ripe to us, so we picked and picked. Gooey, gooey, sticky, sticky. Good thing I had some garden gloves in the truck. Yum Yum. We're going back up here next weekend with Jake's brother to pick some more.

Can you see the pine nuts inside the cone??

We then went to a place where there was a waterfall.

Beautiful scenery and rock formations

The weather was GREAT, a little cold at night and early morning, but that's what campfires and snuggling in the sleeping bag is for. We can't wait to go again before it's too cold and snowy. We're thinking Halloween weekend. If any of you want to go with us, let us know, we'd love company!! If not, too bad for you, we'll still have fun. You don't need all that candy anyway. hehe


Crazy Petersens said...

Looks like fun! Glad you had a great time. What wonderful pictures. :)


What a fun camping trip! Looked like a great time! I miss camping, we'll have to try and do it next summer! You found so many animals!

Miss Niss said...

that looks like a great place to camp!

Nikki said...

What a fun quality time with your hubby and to start it by going to the temple. It looks like the perfect camping trip except for that big spider. YEEK

Anonymous said...

Found your blog by looking around at the pictures!

your helpful assistant every Sunday :)