Sunday, September 28, 2008

Raspberry Jam

After the peaches on Saturday, Jake and I had to get the raspberries done before they started to get moldy. We bought only one flat of these delicious babies and turned them into jam.

Another beautiful color and oh soooooo good!!!
Next.......we're waiting for our blackberries to come in. Can't wait!!!


Nikki said...

Yes I got Raspberries! I made Jam. I must show you an easier way of making it by the looks of your pictures. I Love the color. I also made Peach Raspberry jam. I found a recipe for. Yummy. I also got a recipe for peach syrup I am going to try. I got two boxes but my mother-n-law bought them to split with April (her daughter) that is in your ward. She has a blog now too. I wanted to order the other berries but completely forgot.

The Earls said...

How domestic of you! I guess we've been having something in common these last couple of days, except I've been canning salsa from all my tomatoes. I wish I could've gotten in on the deal!


YOU GO GUYS! I was doing the same thing with the Utah peaches but boy those raspberries look gorgeous! Where did you get them? Mmmm...

Jake and Alisa said...

I got the raspberries and all the fruit from a gal from my ward who knows a gal. She got them from a Utah grower. She's doing other fruit soon, like apples and other things like wheat too.

The James Family said...

Y-U-M! I'm jealous. I've been kind of lazy with my blackberries this year. BTW...your peaches look beautiful, too!